Monday, June 22

Today was kinda busy because Sufian was not helping me in office. He's attached to level 9 till next tuesday. Leaving me with all the work! Anyways, still can cope with it. Office seems quiet without the two. He claims to be busy there but I wonder if it's true. haha.. Busy study as what Qadir say? hmm. Lunch was with Huan! Budget lunch again. As usual, crapping. After work, met Aloy on MRT station. Am glad to see him around. Say HI with quick updates yet he responded fast and ran to catch up with his school mates. Initally, the way he react was kinda 'bo chap'. Through his blog, I realised it was kinda surprise and sudden to him. And he actually thought our conversation was funny! =p Anway, if you get to see this, you still look the same without much changes.