Friday, December 29
Thursday, December 28
I went to meet the gang with Charlton and Ivan.. On the way, we chatted and chatted till Ivan and me started to debate.. haha.. I feel that we always like to debate when we meet up.. Is this good or bad? haha..
We decided to have dessert eating ice-cream at mac.. haha.. This time, it was more of a group chat.. We chatted randomly about the course we have studied, future education, relationship and etc...
* Click to view actual size of pictures!
Saturday, December 23
Saturday, December 16
Monday, December 11
Saturday, December 9
Tuesday, December 5
Birthday Cake!
Saturday, December 2

Sunday, November 26
Saturday, November 25
Thursday, November 16
Sunday, November 12
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
The seriousness of your love:
Your views on education:
Who is your true self:
Saturday, November 11
Just came back from Ting Ting birthday BBQ. I still remember that we celebrated her birthday last year. Time passes fast; it was another year of celebrating her birthday again.
As a whole, We have chatted quite well with one another as we find topic that interest us to talk and joke about. It was like a gathering for PB01-08 as well. I think the most I chatted with was Luke, Joy, Yan Shan and her boyfriend. Haha.. The chatting with them was quite random. By the way, Wynn and Sophia, I am happy for her that she found "him" so please do not erm.. Both of you should know la hor.. haha…
It was coincidence that I happen to meet 2 of my previous sem class mates as they were celebrating their friends birthday there as well. =))
I believe everyone enjoyed themselves there! Oh ya! Ting^2 actual birthday is on the 17th and since Yan Shan one is also the same day so here is an advance birthday song for both of them:
Hope both of them can see this.. haha.. =PP
Wednesday, November 8
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and GOD.
It was never between you and them anyway.
Tuesday, November 7
Yesterday, I went to film 15 mins of video of students for the graduation ceremony.. In the email, it stated that the filming would be from 8.30am - 5pm which I thought that we were required to retake until it look flawless.
Initially, Daryl and me thought that we need to 'pon' for one lesson because of that. When I know about it, I was alittle unwilling to do so but after that I feel that it should be quite alright to miss one lesson.
However, It turns out to be not what I expected.. It actually starts at 9.30am instead of 8.30am! Oh my god.. Mr Ben Gay emailed us last minute obout the changes. We could have come later to meet him to collect the equipments.
Alright, never mind about that, the whole process of the filming seems to be quite good but I feel that some of my shots was not very well done but he say is ok.. We finished the filming quite early at 12pm which differs from the email! He then email my web application faci about it so I am suppose I am being excuse because of the filming.. I guessed everything should be alright..
After lesson, I went to my previous sem friend house to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa.. In the beginning, I was not in a mood to go.. However, my friends kept on pestering me to go, gO, GO so in the end I went there.. haha..
It was like a gathering of E35D.. Everyone chatted and seems to enjoy themselves there.. Still remember the times we had, the memories were so nice and beautiful! I think this is one of the best class I have in RP because there's so many outings!!
Yesterday was really a long, tiring yet fun day I suppose! =)
Saturday, November 4
Sunday, October 29
Tuesday, October 24
Monday, October 23
Sunday, October 15
Wednesday, October 11
Today, I went out from morning to night with my closer E35D gang! I felt that I enjoyed the outing with them! =)

In the morning, I meet Wai Tong at the platform at the mrt.. After which, We meet the others at harbour front mac for breakfast.. haha.. While eating, I get to hear from the girls that they decided to buy a cake for Conray's birthday which was on the 15th this month... By the way, the birthday boy have not reach yet.. The girls left to buy the cake.. After a while, Conray reached. We suprised him with a birthday cake and song! Cool yea.. He was touched by what we have done.. haha.. =)
In the afternoon, we went to sentosa! yippie!! We decided to go to siloso beach.. We started off playing frisbee.. It was fun but I think the wind was quite strong so the girls do not have much strength throwing it far distance.. After that, we played captain's ball.. haha.. It was really fun! Everyone enjoyed and funny incident happen every now and then.. wahaha.. Then, it was cards time.. We played heart attack, police and thief and etc.. haha.. Boon Leng came to meet us and we went playing captain's ball again.. After which, some went swimming while others playing basketball.. haha.. I was the one playing basketball..
Time passes fast and it was dinner time! At first, we thought of having dinner at vivo city food court.. However, it was not open yet.. We walked to harbour front centre thinking of eating at banquek but it was packed.. In the end, we ate at the eating place near the interchange.. haha..
Though everyone look quite tired but I believe everyone have lots of fun today.. =)
Sunday, October 8
Wednesday, October 4
Thursday, September 28
Sunday, September 24
I really like this song (Wo Yao De Shi Jie) which was compose by Elva Hsiao. She's my favourite female singer as well.. I think the lyrics are meaningful and it touches me too.. This week the song was ranked number 4 in Yes933 long hu bang which was quite well done as her new album was not out yet.. I have been waiting for her album a long time.. Hopefully, her album would be OUT this year.. Her overall for the Di San Ji Du most popular female singer was ranked number 6, 55 points with only one song which was Wo Yao De Shi Jie. =)
S.H.E, which was my favourite group singer did well in long hu bang too..
Continue to vote for their song in long hu bang yea.. =p
Thursday, September 21
Today's new class was quite ok, I can interact quite well with them.. I have to take the initiative to talk to them.. haha.. Hopefully, the class is really ok because today was only the first lesson.. However, it was quite tiring lesson.. Can you imgaine doing 7 questions(with sub questions) writing out the codes individually.. Argh.. So many codes till I want to sleep already.. Besides that, I think many of us dislikes the faci because I heard some team complained that he's pretty strict.. So is this good or bad? I think there's pros and cons.. haha..
All the BEST for me in this class.. =p
Monday, September 18
Saturday, September 16
We decided to have our lunch at food court. While eating, we kept talking about our past memories in MXPS. Moreover, we named some friends to see if 3 of us know them. Thinking about it, I realised that time passes real fast. Some others we mentioned has relationship already. After which, we went arcade to play daytona and other stuff. Alright?! Zhi Qiang was really slow in his driving. I even managed to overtake him one lap! wahaha! =p
Then, we went shopping around TM, I think Zhi Qiang can really shop. He entered almost every store in TM which made us feel alittle tired.. LOL! Besides that, we went to challeges and cash converter to shop..
Another outing next sunday?! Zhi Qiang is going to plan it.. Hopefully, there would be more people going for it! =)
Friday, September 15
ME and birthday gal..
We reached the place and went to her room to chat, lame around and take pictures. I felt that Wynn getting more slimmer. Jia you and continue to slim down to have better figure.. LOL! After which, we decided to take group picture on the bed. As everyone wanted to take the picture, we heard a 'crack' sound. Oh No! One side of the bed was cracked. Poor Ting^2 foot was
While we were eating, I started to chat with everyone.. However, Joy and company complained that I was only talking to Yan Shan.. LOL! Yup.. I think only to a certain extent at times. They always liked to make fun of me and her.. So lame sia.. We are only friends.. Good friends! Everyone of us are good friends yea! LOL! =) Sophia kept laughing at small matters which made everyone laughed at her instead of the incident.. LOL!
Everyone enjoyed ourselves yea... =)
Happy Birthday Wynn! May all your wishes come true! =)