Wednesday, December 26

- Full-Time FYP -

As usuals, meet up to continue our FYP.. Decided to stay from morning till night hoping to get most of the things completed.. However, there were conflicts which made me kind of stun.. Ling & Ming were pretty upset with certain issues and start a tiff.. From a slight to a big one..

She speaks and say the things she was unhappy about in a go.. Certain points I acknowledge but not all.. She do give attitude at times & I hope to see some changes for that.. Anyway, she seems to be quite alike from me.. I am a person who flares everything out once my limit is over.. Glad to see some changes in Ming in his attitude and the way he work with us.. Hope we could work happily with no quarrels in future..

FYP is driving us crazy.. As mention from gary, it makes us quarrel and unhappy with one another..

This is what we might face in a working environment.. So, is it a good start?