Sunday, March 31

[Singapore Short Film] 爱在100米 Soul Connection

“他和她,心与心的距离有多远 ? 也许在100 米内。他和她,心灵深处的喜悦和自我意识的距离有多远?也许在100 米外。当心灵回到0直径,也许就会发现心灵伴侣只是在100米之内。” 35岁生日的这一天也是单身贵族的琦琦最迷失与沮丧的一天。她发现Dating App 认识的potential 是个花心萝卜,职场上的升职机又煲汤了。Food Deliveryman 智贤拿错了妹妹Celine 的手机,发现Celine 在用Dating App 认识新朋友。Dating App 里100米detection 功能便成为了拉引琦琦和智贤的红线。智贤机缘巧合发现了在几米内的琦琦。智贤瞬间也感受到她的孤寂与对人生的无力感。智贤潜意识的一股冲动促使他用了Celine 的dating app身份发了第一个message 给琦琦.. 主要表达出现今社会,在网络上寻求真爱的趋势与爱情的真谛,生活勇者们努力的在平衡赤子之心和面对社会准则与四面压力的侵袭时,往往不自觉的感受到寂寞无奈。每一个人都极度渴望有位能了解/接受自己,敞开心房的朋友/知己。虚拟世界的侵袭更让自我认同(Self-identity),自我接受 (Self acceptance and self love) 变成更需要由心探讨出喜悦的人生智慧。

爱在100米 Soul Connection is a local short film directed and produced by my all-time favourite artiste, Priscelia Chan 曾诗梅. Darryl Yong 杨子文 whom I thought had potential was actually the leading actor. 

The story was light-hearted and interesting. It started with a dating app which then continue from a stranger to a friend. Though it may appear to be a romance show between two individuals, it actually reminded people about life too. 

I guess many a times humans cling on too tightly on certain things such as our career and finances and tend not to let those off easily. We should learn to slow down, appreciate the little things and cherish our loved ones before it is too late. 

Kudos to Darryl Yong 杨子文 and 黃馨慧 Cheryl Wee acting capability here as a couple. Great job, Priscelia! I thought this was a brave start for you. And yes, you did it.

A quote that I extracted from the show:
适当的时候应该放慢脚步 去找新的平衡点 每个人都有共同的心灵需要 只是在不同的人生觊觎 you are not alone ~

You may wish to catch the show here.

Ratings: 4 / 5