From the Korean director of "My Sassy Girl", KWAK Jae-yong has managed to catch the eyes of the Chinese film industry through its teaser posters and still cuts. "Meet Miss Anxiety" paints the story of a woman who breaks up with her boyfriend, catching an early menopause syndrome, but heals herself mentally and physically through a new love. Actors and actresses such as ZHOU Xun, one of the hottest Chinese actresses today, as well as TONG Dawei, CHUNG Hongleung and CHEUNG Chilam are cast in this romantic healing film.
电影《我的早更女友》讲述了周迅饰演的女主角因失恋而提 前进入“更年期”,之后又被爱情治愈的浪漫故事。该片 是继《我的野蛮女友》、《我的机器人女友》后的第三部,也是郭 在容导演“亚洲女友三部曲”的终结篇,他表示在“早更 女友”后,不可能再有更强的女友了。而作为“中国女友 ”,周迅此次加盟该片也是受到郭在容导演的钦点,他坦言 看到周迅的第一眼,心中便认定了女主角就是她,“把性 感、清新、疯狂集于一身,想不到中国女演员中有谁会比 周迅更适合了”
12月12日《我的早更女友》上映当天,影片排片超过2 8%,成为当日排片冠军,同时上座率方面同样如此,首 日劲收2670万。上映三天,《我的的早更女友》票房已 接近9000万,过亿在即。12月16日,《早更女友 》4天闯过亿元大关。12月16日,该片在国内的排片仍 然接近市场总额的30%.
Director: Jae-young Kwak
Cast: Zhou Xun, Tong Dawei, Han-Liang Chung, Zhang Zilin
Genre: Comedy/Romance
Went to watch Meet Miss Anxiety 我的早更女友 special screening as one of the blogger!
Personally, I felt that the story was simple and classic on its own. Initially, the plot appear rather predictable which seems like a typical romance show. However, it was actually quite refreshing which added colours to it. Though a slow build up to its plot, it was nicely presented with a good flow.
Good to see certain humour injected which was quite funny though some turn out quite foreseeable. There was a twist towards the finale which reveal its hidden truth and that certainly bring this show to another level. Honestly, I was touched in certain scenes with the convincing acting capability presented.
A film that triggered some memories way back then as a secondary kid.
Ratings: 3.45/5