Woo! Went for Mayday Concert - 诺亚方舟 with Danny yesterday evening! Am lucky to win a pair of tickets to this amazing concert! Thanks to Gong Cha! Though I'm not a big fan of them, I enjoyed most of their songs and feel that they are good!
Its a 4 hours concert! Can you imagine it?! I did not expect it will be that long! Am glad that Mayday sang most of my favourite song such as 人生海海, 倔强, 溫柔, 知足, 我不願讓你一個人, 突然好想你 & many more!
Initially, was sitting down to enjoy the concert! After which, stand and dance with the music. Think they are the only band where you get to see people standing up to dance and sing together with them.
Am glad to know from Danny that he enjoyed it loads!
Overall, its a solid 4 hours concert! Nice!! (: