Sunday, May 25


To all beloved friends. If you receive a call with long numbers, such as +62852731520946, in red, do not pick it up, as there is currently a group of Indonesian students, who are also black magic practitioners, testing their power via handphones.

Whoever answers the call will start to foam in the mouth and die shortly afterwards. In Indonesia, there are already nine deaths,and last night, two more died in Puchong. These incidents happened.


Police advised the public to ignore a Short Messaging Service (SMS) text involving a so-called group of black magic followers from Indonesia trying their witchcraft through the telecommunication network.

The text told people not to pick up their mobile phone if the colour of the caller number flashing on the phone was in red, claiming the black magic followers were trying their ilmu (knowledge) through phone. It also claimed that if people answered the call they would die.

Please pass this message around!