The Bodyguard follows a retired bodyguard (Hung) who has settled in the dark and unknown corner of the world where China, Russia and North Korea meet. Suffering from the beginnings of dementia, the bodyguard is befriended by a young girl whose life is threatened when her father (Lau) falls in with the local crime world. When the girl and her father disappear, the bodyguard must call upon his long forgotten skills to save the life of his young friend.
I was invited as one of the blogger to catch The Bodyguard 《特工爷爷》 special screening! Gary came along with me to catch this film.
Personally, I feel that the story is rather slow-paced and dull. The plot presented initially is weak and predictable. However, it got better with a good story build up that is commendable. The narration of the story is indeed interesting.
It allowed me to understand about the retired bodyguard (Hung) younger days without any difficulty. Towards the finale, things just fall into pieces. With that, I got the gist of its plot which is respectable. The martial arts flicks presented is solid which certainly keep me at the edge of the seat. Not to forget, the humour elements injected which brighten up this film.
Honestly, this film did not turn out to be what I expected from the trailer. To me, it is not a crime/action genre show but more towards a drama.
Ratings: 3.2 / 5