
Saturday, June 30

- Engagement -

Went to Linda's enagement with Ivan and SiGao.. Ivan mention that he knew the way there but he's also quite unsure.. However, managed to find our way there.. On the way, chatted randomly about different topics.. When we reached there, get to see Juliana and Shida.. They lead us the way to see Linda and took pictures with her.. After which, get some stuff to eat and chatted with Juli about their malay custom during an engagement.. Through that, I get to learn something from it.. haha.. =)

Wednesday, June 27

- Understanding Test -

Yesterday, the UT was pretty tough.. Most answers are not found in the 6P.. I think it based more on understanding.. Felt much time wasted finding the answers in the 6P then recaping the learning issues during lesson.. Hopefully, a passing grade..

All UT 1 grades has been published.. Think I did quite alright though I wish that it could be better.. Am glad that I get a passing grades for every modules.. =)

Hope I could maintain or get better grades on my UT 2..

Sunday, June 24

Recently. . .

Has been late for lesson and daily grades are only fairly done.. As compared to last semester, I think it dropped loads.. Do not really have the enthusiasm to put in all my BEST for daily assignments and paricipation during lesson..

* Wondering *

Is it because :
- certain modules I dislike?
- faciliator being favoritism?
- faciliator for this semester expect much more?

- the grades given by faciliator discourages me?

Thinking about previous semester, I always try to participate as much and putting effort understanding and doing most of the work.. Is it something that change me?

Though some of my UTs are quite well done now but daily grades plays a part too.. Hope the interest I had before would be back soon..

Friday, June 22

- Easy VS Difficult -

Easy is to promise something to someone
Difficult is to fulfill that promise

Easy is to say we love.
Difficult is to show it every day.

Easy is to criticize others.
Difficult is to improve oneself.

Easy is to make mistakes.
Difficult is to learn from them.

Easy is to weep for a lost love.
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.

Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action.

Easy is to think bad of others.
Difficult is to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Easy is to receive.
Difficult is to give.

Easy to read this.
Difficult is to follow.

Wednesday, June 20

- Birthday BBQ 2 -

Celebrated Soon Heng's birthday yesterday night at Aloha Changi.. Was kind of surprised to see not many of his friends there.. Thus, it was pretty quiet.. That's the reason why we decided to make fun of the birthday boy using the cream of cake to spread on his face.. However, the plan fails because he knew that we are up to no good..

Later in awhile, we still got the cream on his face.. Then, Everyone starts using the cream to play around.. It seems to be a simple celebration but I believe we enjoyed it.. Hopefully, he feel happy with our company.. =)

Friday, June 15

- Filming day -

ME filming seriously seh

Funny GARY! LOL!

Did my filming assignment yesterday.. The filming process was quite tiring but I think we enjoyed it! Besides acting, I get to be the director and camera man as well.. It was pretty fun even though it's only a day thing.. The filming starts from morning till night.. Had many NGs which made us laugh like nobody business.. Through this, I get to review on the camera techniques..

It was definitely not an easy task but we do have fun! =)

Wednesday, June 13

-Professional Profiling -

Been checking my webmail for the reply of my PP results since some of my friends who did the presentation earlier received it already..Though my accesor said I did quite well, I just want to have a confirmation that I pass the module...

Finally, I received an email today, stating that I have passed my PP.. =)

Monday, June 11

- Self taken pictures -

Took some of these photos during AVI workshop.. Did some touched up to some of the pictures.. Give some comments about the pictures yea.. haha..

Sunday, June 10

- Birthday BBQ -

US with Siang

Shuai Ge

Mei Nue with birthday boy

Went to Koon Siang birthday BBQ at downtown east last night.. Only 4 of us which he knew from secondary came.. Siang felt alittle disappointed but I believe he was happy with our company.. Enjoyed the BBQ food.. Most popular one would be the garlic bread since everyone kept asking for that.. The others like satay, bacon and chicken tasted nice too! Nice of him walking rounds to greet and talk to his group of friends.. After which, went watching television and playing of arcade games keeping ourselves entertained..

I believe he had a wonderful night! =)

Thursday, June 7

- E35D BBQ -

E35D Pals


Designed by Carmen!

Designed by ME!

Had BBQ section with my close E35d pals yesterday night.. Before that, went shopping for the food and things needed.. There were lots of laughter as many funny incidents happens.. I believe we enjoyed the process.. Reached Aloha Changi (Fairy point 4), went around to see the place.. It was spacious but the furniture seems pretty old.. Get to help out preparing the food and stuff for the BBQ.. Everyone seems to be talking about the progress for our school work.. I think that's because all this while we were busy with it..


Sunday, June 3

- Birthday Celebration 2 -

ME and Birthday Boy

Bernard, James, ME

Him, ME, Her

Designed by me!

Celebrated James birthday today.. Started off going cineleisure for k-ing.. Thought of other places to go since we just went there not long.. However, kbox is still the best one among the other choices... While singing, there was much of noise and laughter.. I believed we enjoyed ourselves.. Chose various kinds of birthday songs for James to wish him a happy birthday! It was damn funny..

Xian came to meet us while James went to meet his secondary friends for dinner.. Then, meet the birthday boy again.. From bugis, we walked to clarke quay and chatted along the way.. Seat along the riverside awhile.. After which, Went to explore the night bar there.. Seems pretty cool.. One of it which attracts me would be the clinic bar because it has an unique concept.. Deciding a place for a drink but the place seems crowded..

Hopefully, the birthday boy enjoyed himself..

Friday, June 1

- Just another day -

Presented my PP in the morning.. It was not that bad as I thought.. As long as you are well-prepared and understand the topics presented, everything should be alright..

Initially, felt alittle tense when I was about to present.. Thinking about the questions he would ask and etc.. However, everything seems to settle down while doing the presentation.. I am able to explain the points and answered most of the questions he pose.. I think I did quite alright.. After the presentation, he told me the good/bad things of my poster.. From the comments he gave, I think I would pass it.. Finally, completed my PP! =)

UT today was quite alright but I misread one question which was 8 marks in total.. I think I might "buang" for this UT but I did try my best already... Hopefully, I could get a passing grade..